Sexual Selection: Big-brain vs. Small-brain

Gianna Amatucci, Nick Mulvey, Caitlin Welsh, & Cayleigh Shufelt (Stonehill College, BIO 323 Evolution, Fall 2019)

Predominantly residing in the tropics of South America, guppies are small and colorful freshwater fish. They are omnivorous animals, primarily consuming algae and brine shrimp. Unfortunately, guppies are preyed upon by a number of larger creatures, including birds, larger fish and mammals. While constantly having to avoid such predators, guppies are always in search of a suitable mate to spread their gene pools to future offspring. Alberto Corral-López and colleagues studied how predation pressure, in addition to cognitive ability and brain size, affected sexual behavior and sexual selection in guppies. The actions of both large-brained and small-brained female and male guppies were observed by Corral-López in order to study this phenomenon.

Domestic male guppy in an S-curve mating display. Image credit: “older guy 22feb08” by Alice Chaos is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
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Dad’s social status effects offspring personality in zebrafish

Dad’s social status effects offspring personality in zebrafish

By: Colleen O’Donnell, Lauren Smith, and Courtney Walsh (Stonehill College Evolution Fall 2017)

Ever wonder if fish have personality? If fish have a social hierarchy?

Well, news flash, they do! Dr. Susanne Zajitschek had the opportunity to study Zebrafish, otherwise known as Dario reno, and manipulate their social hierarchy in order to determine whether or not this would affect the offspring of the Zebrafish. She focused on the paternal aspect of rearing offspring. Dr. Zajitshek combined this manipulation with the genetic onset of personality traits of the fathers. As a result of her research, she was able to find that both social status and personality traits do in fact affect the behavior of the offspring.

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